Semiconductors - between conductors and insulators..
A specific arrangement of treated semiconductor can be made into transistor
Why transistor is important.
1950's next jump - integrated circuit
Moore's law
Whats New
- because of this fast growth in the semiconductor technology we have certain expectation about electronics that we do not have for anything else
- Fragmentation of the supply chain - unbundling..
- design company handover blueprint - HR intensive
- manufacture - wafer
- assembly test and packaging - labour intensive
- Civil technologies are far more cutting edge than military one
- tech is a big source of power in the information age, so beating progress in tech is an important goal
- peculiarities of the supply chain makes it useful as a tool to restrict another country's industry
- Taiwan's centrality and vulnerability
- Hardware espionage
Geoeconomic Imperative
- concentration risks and business continuity risks