Study of Interdependence. Studies interaction among a group of players who make rational choices based on a strategic analysis of what others in the group might do.
Early predecessors
economic analysis of imperfectly competitive market.
Augustin Cournot 1833
Francis Edgeworth 1881
- John von Neumann
Theory of Games and Economic Behavior by John von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern - John Nash
Nash Equilibrium
Zero_Sum_Games to Nonzero_Sum_Games - John Harsanyi and Reinhard Selten
Rules of Game
Rules have to specify 4 things
- Who is playing
- What are they playing with - the alternative actions, or choices, the strategies, that each player has available
- When each player gets to play - in what order
- How much they stand to gain (or lose) from the choices made in the game
Assume Common Knowledge about the rule
Normal Form
or Strategic Form