Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences

The Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, officially the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel (Swedish: Sveriges riksbanks prise i ekonomisk vetenskap till Alfred Nobels minne), is an economics award administered by the Nobel Foundation.

The award was established in 1968 by an endowment "in perpetuity" from Sweden's central bank, Sveriges Riksbank, to commemorate the bank's 300th anniversary.

Although not one of the five Nobel Prizes which were established by Alfred Nobel's will in 1895, it is commonly referred to as the Nobel Prize in Economics.

Laureates Awards
Jan Tinbergen 1969 Economics Nobel
Ronald Coase 1991 Economics Nobel
Michael Spence 2001 Economics Nobel
Joseph Stiglitz 2001 Economics Nobel
George Akerlof 2001 Economics Nobel